... And Awaaaaay WEGO!

As I've mentioned in previous posts, one of the things that helps me get through the challenging moments of living with chronic illness(es) is reading through other blogs, online groups, and pages dedicated to the conditions affecting my life.  Part of it is educational: knowledge is power, so the more I can learn about these diseases, the more I can take an active role in my treatment.  Aside from that, though, it's about community: there is comfort in finding others with shared experiences, and shared emotions about those experiences.  When I write here, my hope is that my words may bring comfort to someone else in much the same way.

For reasons unknown to me, I have not been writing anywhere near as much as I'd like to.  I certainly have the time, and I spend far too much of it on my computer ... but not writing.  I look for jobs. I pay my bills.  I check Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and even Google +.  I go "window shopping".  I order food for delivery.  I read -- a lot -- but I don't write ... and I don't really know why.  I guess it's a form of writer's block: I don't really know what to say.  I want to really say something ... something inspiring, in fact ... but what?

Fortunately, I've just come upon an opportunity to overcome the block and potentially offer something of value to others.  WEGO Health is a network of "health advocates" -- patients, health professionals, community leaders -- that provides information, support, and connection online.  Right now, WEGO Health is hosting a Health Advocate Writer's Month Challenge, and I am officially signed up.

The challenge is for bloggers to write something every day for the entire month of April.  To get us started, WEGO Health offers "prompts" for each day's post.  I'm hoping that this will offer both the motivation and the inspiration for me to complete each day's assignment.  More than that, I'm counting on the writing to be cathartic for me, entertaining for my readers, and reassuring for someone who is currently in need.

The challenge posts will start tomorrow (technically later today, since it's already after midnight), and continue through the end of the month.  I'll let you know each day's assignment, and then I'll do my best to complete it.  Some posts may be long, some may be just a few words.  Some may make you laugh, some may evoke tears.  You may get to know me a little better, and I may even learn a few things about myself. Hopefully, you'll find whatever it is you look for when you come to read my blog.

**If you like what you read, tell a friend.  In fact, tell me, too - post a comment below.  If you don't ... well ... I'm all for honesty, but ... please be gentle!