Float Like a Buttahfly presents:
Rare Disease Stories
Kaleidoscope Rare Disease Stories is a collection of true, first-person stories from people around the world living with a variety of rare diseases. The writers in this book, like the rare diseases they live with, span all ages, ethnicities, genders, religions, and ability levels.
Each story shares an aspect of their experience: the journey to diagnosis, what they've learned, how they've grown, changed, and connected with others in the rare community, how they embrace life, and more. These rare warriors show strength, courage, creativity, humor, and so much more. They are living proof that even through the darkest of times, through the unthinkable, through the fear - there is always hope.
- 60 Stories
- 44 Patient Writers
- 3 Caregiver Writers
- 59 Rare Diseases
- 4 Countries
- Ages 2 - 76
With a foreword by Karen Duffy Lambros, NY Times best-selling author of Model Patient, Backbone, and Wise Up, who lives with neurosarcoidosis.
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Available now in e-book, paperback, and hardcover.
*Net proceeds from sales of this book will be donated to the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD).