I've recently discovered that either I have Multiple Personality Disorder or I was crowned Queen when I wasn't paying attention. Those are the only logical explanations for one person to refer to herself in the plural form, and it seems I do that quite often. I noticed it the other day, and then caught it several more times after I started paying attention. Apparently, I am no longer just me.
I went to see a new doctor the other day, and she asked me about a few of my symptoms. "We've been dealing with this since October," I told her. "We tried {blah blah blah} treatment, and then we had {blah blah blah} side effects. As the doctor and I discussed my medical history, I told her all about what we went through a few years ago, when we saw so many doctors and got nowhere, so we just gave up.
Now, if I recall correctly, I was the only one with symptoms. I was the one who was tested. I was the one who took medication. I was the one with side effects. And though everyone else encouraged me to keep trying new doctors, I was the one who gave up on them. Going through it all over again now, these symptoms & side effects are showing up in/on my body, not in a group.
That isn't the only situation in which I've caught myself doing this, either. Someone asks if I have plans, and I answer with what we are doing (or that we're not doing anything). At work, I respond to most offers by saying how glad we are to have our volunteers' support, or to let people know what we are looking for in a given situation.